88 Simmat Avenue.,, Condell Park

Bed 3
Bath 2
Car 4


88 Simmat Avenue.,, Condell Park
Bed 3
Bath 2
Car 4
1,631m² approx land area

Property Information

  • Land area approx 1631.00sqm

Property Features

  • Garages 4

Auction Location: onsite

Perfectly positioned within easy walk to Condell Park's vibrant strip shopping hub, eateries, club and transport boasting a wide 18.2 meter frontage approx and one of the largest paddocks in the district of 1,631sqm appox with horse stables at the rear for the horse enthusiast/trainers. A spacious three bedroom home awaits with open plan living and dining areas and family size kitchen that steps out the rear pergola and private grassed yard. It's extremely deep rear yard holds a glimpse in to the historic local area with horse racing stables, high set carport, lunch room and round yard making this the pinnacle of property purchases with an array of building options to choose (STCA). Now featuring:

Three bedrooms, all with built-ins
Large living room
Separate dining area
Two bathrooms
Well positioned kitchen
Rear pergola and grassed yard
Highset carport
20 horse stables and round yard
Frontage: 18.2 metres approx
Total size: 1,631 sqm approx
Multiple dwelling building or development options (STCA)
First time on the market in 47 years

An esteemed location combines with an unprecedented parcel of land and spacious home today with huge future potential all just moments from schools, Parklands, shops, cafes, eateries and transport.

Inspect: Saturday 10:00 -10:30am & Wednesday 5:00-5:30pm

Auction: 24th August 2024 @ 3:30pm

Contact: Riccardo Errichiello 0421 827 997
Marco Errichiello 0414 433 318

88 Simmat Avenue., Condell Park
3 2 4
Sold $2,420,000
Riccardo Errichiello
Licensed Real Estate Agent, Certified Practising Valuer (A.I.V.)
Marco Errichiello
Licensed Real Estate Agent

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