28 Hampton, Croydon Park

Bed 3
Bath 2
Car 4


28 Hampton, Croydon Park
Bed 3
Bath 2
Car 4
696m² approx land area

Property Information

  • Land area approx 695.60sqm

Property Features

  • Carports 2
  • Garages 2

A Surprisingly Spacious Home On 695sqm Approx

Perfectly positioned close to Croydon Park's shops, eateries and parklands is this double fronted family home set on wide 15.24mtr/50ft frontage and almost 700 sqm approx. Its generous bedrooms with ornate ceilings and large updated main bathroom lead to the north facing modern kitchen. A full height renovated and extended living and dining area opens to the pergola and manicured gardens with swimming pool plus carport and double garaging. Now featuring:

Three bedrooms, all with built-ins
Expansive living & dining area
Modern kitchen with gas appliances
Renovated main bathroom
Large laundry room/2nd bathroom
manicured established gardens and pool
Wide side drive to double garage & carport
Frontage: 15.24 sqm approx
Land size: 695.6 sqm approx
Zoned: R4 high density
Features: ornate ceilings, air conditioning & alarm

Summary: The perfect family home on a generous block size that is ready to be enjoyed today with a choice of schools, parks, shops, cafes, parklands and CBD bound transport all within a short walk.

Inspect: 1:00-1:30pm & Wednesday 6:00-6:30pm

Auction: 29th June 2019 @ 1:30pm

Contact: Riccardo Errichiello 0421 827 997
Marco Errichiello 0414 433 318

28 Hampton Croydon Park
3 2 4
Sold $1,585,000
Riccardo Errichiello
Licensed Real Estate Agent, Certified Practising Valuer (A.I.V.)
Marco Errichiello
Licensed Real Estate Agent

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