73 Croydon Avenue, Croydon Park

Bed 3
Bath 1
Car 3


73 Croydon Avenue, Croydon Park
Bed 3
Bath 1
Car 3
879m² approx land area

Property Information

  • Land area approx 878.90sqm

Property Features

  • Uncovered Carspaces 3

A Spacious Home On A Huge 878 Sqm approx!

Set within walking distance to both Croydon Park and Croydon village and station is this updated residence boasting one of the largest land sizes in the suburb. Its sweeping 15.24 metre frontage leads to a quaint three bedroom home with spacious living areas and modnern kitchen perfect to live in or rent out now then knock down and rebuilt a master piece residence (STCA). Now featuring:

Three bedrooms
Spacious living room
Separate formal dining room
Near new kitchen with gas appliances
Original bathroom
Extremely deep rear yard
Side drive for multiple off street parking
Currently leased for $660 per week
Frontage of 15.24 approx
Land size: 878.9 sqm approx

Summary: A truly rare find offering comfortable living today and huge future potential all just moments from schools, parks, shops, cafes, The Strand, bus or train transport.

Contact: Marco Errichiello 0414 433 318
Riccardo Errichiello 0421 827 997

Marco Errichiello
Licensed Real Estate Agent
Riccardo Errichiello
Licensed Real Estate Agent, Certified Practising Valuer (A.I.V.)

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